Sunday, July 6, 2008

A New, Private Room

Even though we told them we didn't need it, we now have a private room. We figured it would be more important to people who live farther away. Even after we moved in, we told them they could move us out if someone needed it more. However, now that we are using it, I may not be so selfless. We love being able to stay there all day and not have to shift around when other parents come in. It is also great to stay overnight. Even though we are only a few minutes away, being there the whole time has allowed us to spend so much more time with her.

And this is really good for Aub. Although she doesn't say it, I just think it is hardest on the mom to be away from baby when it is not by choice. Don't get me wrong, she will love it when Grandma comes over to watch the little one so we can get some time alone. However, she really needs to be with her or close to her as much as possible. On July 4th we hung out with some friends but after just a few hours, Aub was ready to go. I can't blame her and I think she is doing really well considering the circumstances. Personally, I don't think I have ever seen Aub as happy as she is when little P is resting comfortably on her. And it is a beautiful thing to witness the amazing calming effect for both mom and bawhen this happens.

I know this is not supposed to happen for a while, but I am almost positive I can see her smiling. Yesterday Aub walked up to say hello and Porter looked up and gave a huge grin. Might have been the same time as messing up the
diaper but I doubt it. It's another one of those things that change every
day. I had never seen that expression before and now I have seen it a few times. Usually in that milk drunk state after feeding. Anyone else know that feeling? :-)

These rooms really are nice. Not really set up for two people to sleep next to each other but at least it is comfortable for both of us.

Proud Papa

I got the one with the Kung Fu Grip!

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